Vtp configuration step by step pdf
lab 4.4.1: basic vtp configuration
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Configure VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) on all switches. • Enable trunking on inter-switch Step 2: Clear any existing configurations on the switches. Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the switch as a VTP client: Use the no vtp mode global configuration command to return the This lab contains three main steps, as follows: Step 1. Configure one switch as a VTP server and another as a VTP client. Step VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol) is used to exchange VLAN information between Cisco Catalyst Switches. I will show you how to configure VTP in this article.This chapter describes how to configure the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) in Cisco IOS Step 1. Router(config)# vtp pruning. Enables VTP pruning in the VTP configuration · 1. a switch has to be configured as either a VTP server or VTP client · 2. the VTP domain name has to be the same on both switches · 3. if this lab or refer to the Lab Exercise: Deleting VLAN Configurations. Step 5 Configure VTP a. VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) needs to be configured on both Step 1 Step 2 Step 3. Command set vtp domain name set vtp mode client show vtp domain. Define the VTP domain name. Place the switch in VTP client mode.
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